Allotment Revamp

We thought it might be a good time to update you on the wildlife allotment progress. The pond is now looking fab. We have newts, frogs and ramhorn snails in there as well as pond skaters and other insects. The bees, birds, dragonflies and damselflies also enjoy it.

We had a few problems with planting the area this year. We do not have a vast amount of funding and put down wildflower seeds. Despite our watering throughout the dry June, our seeds did not do very well. We are hoping for funding to buy some plug plants which should fare better. Please do donate if you can, so we can make the allotment good for pollinators.

We intend to open up to the public next Spring/Summer so everyone can see what we have done, how to do the same in other green spaces and gardens as well as enjoy the loveliness of it all. We still need volunteers, so give us a shout if you would like to help out!

Below are some wildlife visitors! Baby Robin who follows us about everywhere, damselflies mating on the pond plants and a hornet mimic hoverfly.

Who says we do not work hard!  Volunteers working on the pond at the Wildlife Allotment, Staveley Road.  The allotment will have different areas that will be attractive to different animals.  A variety of habitats is good for boidiversity.  When finished, we hope people will visit and take away ideas for their own green spaces!

Thanks to Chiswick Horticultural and Allotment Society and Hounslow Council Thriving Community Grant for help in making this wildlife allotment a reality. We are very grateful for the funding!

We were delighted to be given permission by the Council and CHAS to renovate the wildlife plot at Staveley Road allotments. This area was created by Karen Liebreich from Abundance London.  Unfortunately it has been left over recent years and needs a bit of a face lift.

Why bother?  The more wildlife friendly green spaces we can make the better for biodiversity across Chiswick.  Strong, healthy biodiversity is also good news for humans.

Once the site is cleared and replanted we will be opening it up for the public to come and learn more about wildlife and how to garden to help it thrive and survive.

We do need some donations to help with this project.  We need tools, plants, waste removal and a shed would be lovely to keep us dry and in the future act as a base for any visitors. 

If you feel you can help us with this project and donate, please click on the button below.  We are keen for more funding for planting.