Thank you for visiting our donations page! Read more about donations below or press the button to donate. Thank you!
Why Do We Need Donations
As a not for profit, unregistered, community group the only funding we receive is from the public and the occasional grant where community groups can apply.
To continue our work creating an understanding of the urban wildlife around us, motivating people to help maintain urban wildlife habitats, create new wildlife friendly green spaces and run projects such as hedgehog highways and installing swift boxes, we need to have funding.
What Are Our Costs
- Most speakers at our events charge a fee or request donations to their charities. This cost is between £40-£100 each event. We also need to pay venue costs when we hold our event “live” rather than via Zoom. These costs vary from between £70 to £120 per event.
- Creating wildlife areas, such as the one at Staveley allotments carries costs for equipment, waste removal, pond liners and planting. This works out at roughly £1,000 per area depending on what is required.
- Our Save Our Swifts Project will cost approximately £2,000 with the money going towards swift boxes and builders/equipment to install them.
- New drill heads for the hedgehog highway equipment is £40 per drill.
- For maximum impact/exposure we often use brochures and posters to deliver our message. These cost approximately £80-£100 per project.
- Our ongoing costs include our social media and our websites so we can promote our message! This is approximately £300 per annum.