Wild Chiswick
For people with an interest in Urban Wildlife, specifically Chiswick, London.
A reminder of our talk with Prof. Fiona Mathews on Tues 18th, 7pm, Christ Church, Turnham Green. This will be a fab evening with one of Britain’s best mammal conservationists. Please register to attend so we have an idea of numbers. Also, we are looking for a couple of volunteers to help out on the night. Email events@wildchiswick.com if you can help out.
We still have spaces available for the talk with Prof. Fiona Mathews at Christ Church, Turnham Green, 7pm on 18th March. It is not easy to find free time in Fiona's diary to come along and talk as she is always to busy! To hear one of our most professional and successful conservationists, please register via events@wildChiswick.com or wildchiswick.com/event/mammalevening/
We are very keen to have people record species across Chiswick using inaturalist. ![]()
We will be showing people how to do this on 13th March, 3.30pm until 5.30pm at Staveley Road Allotments.
email events@wildchiswick.com if you wish to lean how to use inaturalist and/or other methods of recording species.![]()
This is very important. Without know what species we have where, we cannot ensure we keep the habitats for them or create new habitats for species that may be dwindling. ![]()
We are particularly keen for allotment holders to come along so they can record allotment species from April through to end of October.![]()
However, everyone who want to help us have more knowledge of what wildlife we can find in our green spaces, is welcome!
I have known Prof. Fiona Mathews and her work conserving mammals for quite some time now. I am delighted to say she has found a space in her very busy diary to come and talk with us about her life as a mammal conservationist!
18th March, 7pm, Christ Church, Turnham Green
As well as the accomplishments mentioned in the attached poster, Fiona is one of our best bat experts. She even trained her dog to sniff out bats killed by wind turbines. She then worked with manufacturers to reduce the death toll of bats near turbines. Fiona visits Ecuador yearly to work on reducing the human/bear conflict caused by farming and loss of forest habitat.
Fiona will visit with her husband, Tim Kendall, professor of English Literature at Exeter University. Together they will share their life working to conserve british mammals. This relates to their Wainwright Prize nominated book "Black Ops & Beaver Bombers".
Having hear Fiona talk many times, I can promise this will be an informative, open and humorous evening.
What more can I say? other than - this is an opportunity not to be missed!
Visit link below to learn more about Fiona.
Email or visit wildchiswick.com/event/mammalevening/ to register.
I am sooo, excited!