Wild Chiswick
For people with an interest in Urban Wildlife, specifically Chiswick, London.
Suveying wildlife is important for conservation. A fun way to do this is by joining in the RSPB birdwatch at the end of the month. Great activity for children! Download your pack from www.rspb.org.uk/whats-happening/big-garden-birdwatchLet us know what you see!
Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers like you take part, helping to build a picture of how garden birds are faring.
For those of you who missed the swift talk by Edward this year - this might be of interest!
Learn about the iconic Swift, threats to these incredible birds and what you can do to help.
A bit late notice, Dave Goulson will be talking online on Monday evening about his insect/bee research. He has written various books which are very knowledgeable and interesting reads. His latest book, Silent Earth, is an eye opener explaining how the drastic fall in insect numbers is already affecting our planet. Book via the link. I think he will present a very interesting talk!
Join us and Dave Goulson as he explains why insects are declining, and the consequences if we allow this to continue.
Yup, we have been drilling hedgehog highways again! Live in Grove Park or Strand on the Green? Then you are in hedgehog territory! Give us a shout on hogs@wildchiswick.com to talk about joining the hedgehog highway!