
National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme

Hedgehogs News Projects

Yesterday, 20th June, a large group of volunteers worked to put out 30 trail cameras across a 1km area of Chiswick. This was part of the new National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme (NHMP) set up by PTES, British Hedgehog Preservation Society, Nottingham Trent and Durham University … Read more

Working with Schools

Events News Schools

As a community group we feel it is important to work with local schools. We often go into primary schools and talk during assemblies about wildlife. We have hosted secondary school pupils at our wildlife allotment and they have helped make it wildlife friendly. Today … Read more

Hedgehog Fun!

Events Hedgehogs News

It’s Hedgehog awareness week and a good time for children to learn a bit more about this gorgeous creature not often seen and on the red list vulnerable to extinction in the UK. On 12th May, 1pm until 2.30pm, Dukes Meadow Community Centre. Come along … Read more

Swifts – ancient bird yet vulnerable to extinction. How can we help?

Events GuestSpeaker News Talks

Only on our shores for 3 months of the year to breed, the Swift is an ancient and most amazing bird!  Not landing from birth until approx. 3 years old they eat, sleep, drink, and mate on the wing.  They adapted well to urbanisation, and took to … Read more

Photo credit: Jon Perry

Hedgehog (Fact) Hunt

Events Hedgehogs News

Come and join us outside the Chiswick House Cafe and start our hedgehog (fact) Trail! Bank holiday Monday 6th May, 10.30am until 2.30pm. You will be given your first clue to find hedgehog facts across the grounds. Returning to us at the Cafe to tell … Read more

Watch out for Asian Hornets


Asian Hornets are spreading across the South East of the UK and causing problems with bee hives. They are also a threat to our wild bees and other pollinators. Please read the article in Chiswick Calendar written by our Founder, Jo Gilbert. Click here to … Read more

December 2023 Newsletter


We have done lots of work this year and we would love you to come along and join us in 2024! By reading the newletter you will gain a good understanding of what we do as a community group to help our local wildlife and … Read more

Baby robin.

Photo competition winners in Chiswick Calendar

Events News

We are delighted to see our winners and runners up from our photo competition in Chiswick Calendar this week. Click here to view the article. Please do come and see the photos in situ at our booked venues to display them. See previous post for … Read more


Events News Projects

Earlier this week we held our awards evening for our photo competition. In total we had 167 entries and we thank every single person who went outside, took time to look at nature, and sent us photos along with a paragraph telling us why they … Read more

Jo Gilbert announcing winners