General Wildlife
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21st September, 2pm-7.00pm

22nd September, 9.30am – midday


We are excited to report that in collaboration with The Mammal Society, we will be holding a two half-day training, trapping and recording small mammal course. Small mammals are an important part of the ecosystem and yet are under-recorded in the UK. The surveying completed during this two half-day course will be of national as well as local value. 

Derek Crawley will be our lecturer and trainer for this course. He is a member of the Mammal Society Council, with responsibility for the National Mammal Atlas and is chief verifer of records working closely with iRecord. He is the founder chair of the Staffordshire Mammal Group. Mammals are his hobby; carrying out surveys and direct observation on behavior. Derek has championed otters, dormice, hedgehogs and harvest mice over the years and runs training courses on their ecology.

Day one (afternoon of 21st September). Derek will show us how to ID various small mammals. We will set traps varying from live, audio and trail cameras.

Day two (morning of 22nd September). We will collect audio and visual data. Derek will show us how to analyse and record our findings.

Venue: Afternoon of 21st September will be Staveley Road Allotments, Chiswick.
Morning of 22nd September will be Dukes Meadow Community Centre. 

* Registrants must complete the two half- days as we will use this course to continue monitoring and recording across Chiswick.
* Children 14yrs and over and welcome, accompanied by an adult.
* These courses are usually charged at £60.00 or more. This is free to members and those who are keen to learn and join WildChiswick in future surveying and recording. Donations always welcome!

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