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ZSL Mammal Survey – please help!

We have worked with Zoological Society London’s London Hogwatch team for the past coupleof years. They are now conducting a survey that focusses on recent and historical mammal sightings across Greater London to gain a better understanding of wild mammal distributions across the city. To do this, they are asking people about any hedgehog, fox, or badger sightings they may have made within 100m of their homes, as well as any additional hedgehog sightings they may have made across London. 

They would like to encourage as many people as possible to answer this survey, even if they haven’t seen any of these mammals in their neighbourhoods. Collecting absence data is also extremely useful for us to get an idea of areas where these species (especially hedgehogs) are present and absent across London, and how this abundance and distribution has changed over the past 20 years. 

ZSL will use the data to generate maps of how hedgehog, fox, and badger populations in Greater London have changed over time and inform efforts to conserve London’s hedgehogs. Here is the link to the survey:, it only takes a couple of minutes to fill in! 

WildChiswick will be given a map of any sightings, or non-sightings across Chiswick. This will be very useful to us as we monitor local wildife.

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