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National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme

Yesterday, 20th June, a large group of volunteers worked to put out 30 trail cameras across a 1km area of Chiswick. This was part of the new National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme (NHMP) set up by PTES, British Hedgehog Preservation Society, Nottingham Trent and Durham University and supported by Natural England. We worked with ZSL London Hogwatch to put the cameras out to the correct methodology.

We surveyed for hedgehogs with London Hogwatch 3 years ago and so we know there is a population to be found in the Grove Park and Strand on the Green area of Chiswick. Will we find more elsewhere this year?

The NHMP will for the first time, give robust data on hedgehog numbers in the UK and lead to new conservation plans to reverse the decline of this much adored yet threatened species.

Everyone can still help from your own living room!

The images caught on camera will be uploaded onto MammalWeb, where you can help identify them. To help identify images from Chiswick, London and other parts of the UK click here

To learn more about the whole project click here

Don’t forget that WildChiswick is happy to put a hedgehog highway hole into your fence!

Contact us!

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