A talk by Dr Philip Baker, Reading University, 12th February, St Michael’s Church Elmwood, 7pm – 8.45pm.
We are aware light and noise pollution can affect wildlife, but do we know to what extent? Are these pollutants bad for all species – you may be surprised to know the answer!
Philip will shed more light on how these pollutants affect different species and how covid lockdown helped with research. Philip likes to mention future research that may be valuable. For example,does noise and light cause sleep deprivation in animals and at what cost to the animal?
Philip’s talks are always open, and frank. He enjoys answering questions and create discussions from them which makes his lectures friendly and interactive.
Dr Philip Baker lectures Evolutionary Biology and Ecology at Reading University. He is well known for his fox and hedgehog research as part of his work covering urban ecology, mammal diversity,behaviour and conservation. He is part of the scientific advisory panel for The Mammal Society.
Please come along and join us!
£5.00 entry per adult, pay at the door.
12yrs and under, free of charge
Children must be accompanied by an adult.